torsdag 11 december 2014

This is what 106km of offseason cycling looks like in Finland.

This ride was the end of the offseason, training for the dolomites starts here and now!
The Route for the big day is released.

The route will follow the steps of Kings, The oldest route in finland, going from Turku To Viborg.

Apart from the historical part, it is going to be a savage rout, with a lot of rolling hills and bending roads. If we are luky to have snow, this will be harder than you might even wan to think

måndag 8 december 2014

Shitty weather but still smiling

the weather today was absolutely shit, riding in a strong headwind, with rain and slush falling from the sky. The temperature was a nice one degree above the freezing point, and i can tell you that it is very dark, darker than on the dark side... But i was smiling, and i enjoyed every moment of it!

Rapha Festive 500

is getting closer by the day, actually it is as close as Christmas.

The plan is to ride a few 50- 100 km rides around the big day, and finish off with a epic 300 km ride on the 30th December.

On  this blog, the gear, the people, the route and the food and drinks will be presented, not to forget the speculations about the weather for the big day.

This is not going to be easy, but a cyclist never search for the easy way, this is going to be epic. Riding 500 km in areas with dry roads on road bikes, can be seen as heavy, but finishing the season in weather conditions that can be everything from a nice 1C and rain, to -20C and snowstorm,  on a cycle cross bike equipped with winter tyres with skies and Thermos bottles in the bottle cages is something else. We are going to suffer like dogs, but I am sure we are going to smile.

This is the beginning of the SOB Rapha Festive 500.

This is Hanko!